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Whether its by bus, foot, bike or boat, there is a lot to explore in the area, find out more.
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The South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is fabulous walking territory with a huge variety of opportunities to explore the coast, historic towns, stunning countryside and river valleys!
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The Coleridge Bus continues
to provide a local service
A great way to get into Kingsbridge for your shopping,
or to reach walking or cycling routes off the beaten track
with no parking problems! A public bus service run
entirely by friendly helpful volunteers! Serving 10 rural
parishes Tuesday to Friday with a different route
each day.
Since 1978, when the service began with a bus
on loan, volunteer drivers have brought people from the
rural surroundings of Kingsbridge into the town - picking
up in different locations each morning from Tuesday to
Friday every week.
There are also frequent afternoon excursions to destinations suggested by the passengers - maybe to a garden centre or a scenic tour of Dartmoor or a bigger centre for shopping. The ‘Coleridge’ is a lifeline for many - and is much more than just a means of transport.
The service is self-supporting (not grant aided) with fund-raising helping to keep the Coleridge Bus independent.
It is regulated and bound by legislation in the same way as other public transport services.
All the volunteer drivers hold PCV licences which qualify them to drive anything from a small bus to a double-decker. The challenges of the narrow, twisting South Hams lanes dictate the size of the Coleridge Bus.