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The South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is fabulous walking territory with a huge variety of opportunities to explore the coast, historic towns, stunning countryside and river valleys!
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South Devon AONB Walks & Trails
The South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is fabulous walking territory with a huge variety of opportunities to explore the coast, historic towns, stunning countryside and river valleys! There are over 40 downloadable self guided trails and car free days out available from the South Devon AONB website to help you enjoy getting out and about. They contain information on length and difficulty of the trail, facilities local to the route (including transport links), along with interesting facts about the landscape, heritage and wildlife that will captivate you along the way!
See for details.
Explore The Area
Kingsbridge has become the first South West town to achieve ‘Walkers are Welcome’ status. This not only strengthen’s the towns reputation as a place to come and enjoy the outdoors, but also helps ensure footpaths and facilites for walkers are kept in good condition, and information & support is available to help you combine walking with public transport. Look out for the ‘Walkers are Welcome’ logo in shops cafes and B&Bs. There are lots of projects planned associated with this designation.
For further information contact
Kingsbridge Information Centre on Tel: 01548 853195.
Walk & Talk
As well as being fun sociable walking is the closest thing to perfect exercise. Regular
walking can assist with weight control
and maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is bene cial to diabetics,
and can help reduce anxiety and depression.
All over the country, groups of people meet regularly to walk for their good health. In South Devon, there are Walk & Talk groups offering free walks in and around Dartmouth, Kingsbridge, Ivybridge, South Brent and Totnes. There’s no need to book in advance – you just turn up at the time and place specified. Visit for details of walking schemes in your area.